Friday, March 9, 2012

Echinopsis/Trichocereus hybrid 'Whiora' x Pachanoi ~*

The 'Whiora' cactus is an Echinopsis, Trichocereus hybrid produced at Fields Cactus farm by the Fields family. This further cross is produced by I've got to get the 'Whiora' plant next time out at Fields, has an amazing flower. Hopefully this one does too. We shall see :)


  1. The further hybridisation of whiora the fields clone, by introducing extra trichocereus genetics into an already great plant was not done by herbalistics at all and unfortunately I only did the one cross before other life issues took me on a path away from my passion with tricho clones. I did however give an amount of seed to the owner of herbalistics though. My plants of this cross have flowered the past 4 years and they retained the whioras brilliant flower structure. hopefully this season I can cross some red huascha for colour on what are easily the most striking tricho flowers on the columnar trichos.

    1. Hey mate, long time no hear. I hope you are going well and have everything all sorted out.
